Our dad.

Dad grew up in Fort Worth. He fought in Korea, married, and became an accountant. He bought the bookstore in 1960 and ran it up until his death in 2019. He was the third owner. He worked 60 hour weeks, bought out his partner, bought his building, and put four kids through college.

Book dealer Brian Perkins Sr directing skepticism at heir.

PFC Brian Perkins, Item Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Regiment, 1st Marine Division, enjoying taxpayer-funded vacation, Boulder City, Korea, Jamestown Line, December 1952 to July 1953. He's helping keep the Chinese off Hill 119.


Early history.

Barber's Book Store was founded by Bert Barber in 1925. They were originally on East 9th Street, in the Hell's Half Acre district. Then in about the 1930s they moved to the northeast corner of 8th & Throckmorton. When that building burned in 1955 they moved south across 8th street to the present building.